Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Derby skatepark update: Still epic

We've all been sweating with panic after the recent update on the project being slapped with a 66K over budget bill, and the possibility of losing the main areas of the park to compensate.

Quick recap: Options we faced were:


Good news though, after a meeting with the skatepark project Committee (Hooked, Rollersnakes, Mode and the Council) we agree that the options that were initially given to us (above) would be a disaster. We agreed that the Council would push for something much closer to our original design that we (all skaters / BMXers / lurkers in Derby) were all happy with.

The news is that we've got what we wanted and we'll only be losing the jump box strip at the bottom. The plan is now this:

A quick bit of fudging to the original visual in Photoshop and the park will look something like this:

All in all amazing news. Even better news, build starts next Monday: 21.02.2011

10 - 12 weeks later... park for Derby! Wooot. Tell all your friends!


  1. looks very good hopefullly they should start making good progress now and make it happen!!!

  2. can't wait for it to get started,will watch progress with keen antisipation

  3. Mother fuck best be good or ill do some next slap ting on there heads ygm.
