As you may have read in the
Part 1 of this trip write up, we zipped over to Mallorca for a Hooked trip as February is too cold in England. Have a look at some of the spots we hit and tricks we got... Callum, Jacob and myself (Dave) lurked hard.
2 benches in a line, massive stairs and hubba and a 4 set behind the camera
Jacob Bettinson front tailslides the perfect bench
Callum Moore went balls out
Then we went to this amazing block spot by the sea
All sorts of grindable material
Mallorca OG shredder
Miguel Urbina going for the switch frontside flip... this dude has done more than most skaters ever will - absolutely blinding
Miki switch ollies the gap
Preparation to film
Callum makes this place look good
Miki switch bs heel the gap (footage coming in the edit)
Jacob Bettinson tre flip (footage coming soon)
Boom - tre flip without the fisheye
The guys from Shine took us to this rad place for food, and showed us lots of new spots
Callum, Jacob and Miki lurk where the streets are paved with gold
Miki and his lady run the shop... stay tuned for the 3rd and final part of the trip. And the killer edit... including Miki.