Thursday, 29 January 2009

Emerica gear

Got a great Christmas present, sweet Emerica guitar pack - a nice box set of a crip strap and plectrums. 

Now, with all this pressure to buy British - you can get a range of Blueprint VS Emerica gear here! Collaborate!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Mallorca Trip

So we went off chasing some sun and dry ground. Mallorca is a great place to skate and the spots there have been on many a video. You might recognise some of these...

Early flight sunrise

In flight entertainment

Get down

We bumped into the Blueprint crew - Mark Baines, Nick Jensen, Paul Shier & Danny Brady

Apartment entertainment

Locals are nice

Dream bench... 

Standard bench, lines galore

Stairs and hubbas, so much fun if you like that sort of thing

This is big, I saw Sheckler back tail this on a video

Creative street spots in town

Nice, but a police bust if you skate them

We were gutted this was so haggard

We got some new bearings

From the local skateshop Switch People

Seen here by night - everything is open late

Dave practices noseslide shuvs


Someone has stapled a metal edge to this... smooooth

One of the main skate areas, a hotspot and meeting point

This sweet 6 hubba has seen better days, good to slide though

I thought the council señors were getting rid of that wax...

Turns out they were just giving them a fixing and cleaning, whilst leaving them fully skatable (if a bit wet)

Bone dry ground never looked so good

Becca brought us a picnic in disguise

The the festival kicked off

That was smashed over someone's head later

Street BBQs... burning sausages everywhere

Look out for footage
We worked hard

And filmed stuff

So if you fancy getting out there, the main spot we lurked around in these pictures is here:

Look out for the footage on here soon.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Featured merch: Hoodies for winter

So it's effing freezing here these days, so the Hooked squad will be ordering some nice warm Hoodies. Don't forget if you get too hot you can take off your wild 'Three tries or less' hoody  to reveal a crisp Hooked 'Stitch' print tee

Look out for our hot models lurking around at a skate spot near you.

Other treats 

Spots Review

Some Sheffield Hot Spots

If you go down to the Field today you're in for a big surprise.

We here at Hooked know it's no Teddy Bears Picnic looking for decent places to skate so we thought we would give you a hand.

The Crucible Ledges and Blocks, a fashionable spot get a coffee from Bucks to keep the energy levels peakin.

Down the side of the Travel Info Centre on Norfolk Street... all ready greased up and itchin for a thrashin!

Outside the Cathedral Church of St Pete's and St Paul's, watch out for the gaps in the paving.

A sweet block, first waxed by our tender hands, just off the roundabout on Uni grounds, Bolsover Street.

Intermission... get a cone...

...or hit the loo...

Classic shit, off Arundel Gate on the pedestrian underpass this double set featured on many a dv, exciting, watch the white collar workers.

This place we stumbled upon just near one of the main roads, the steep virgin 12 set with flat rail will remain anonymous until the Hooked Team get some footy in the cam. Watch the tight run out!

"Eat up everyone, we'll knit more"